Keycards are needed for all SCP containment chamber doors, some offices, and several other areas. This variant of the gas mask grants the player immunity to SCP-012's effects If the gas mask is combined with an ingot of SCP-148 and put through SCP-914 on "Fine" or "Very Fine", it will produce the Heavy Gas Mask. As of the latest update, the gas mask does not negate the effect of SCP-714, and the player will still be unable to run with both worn. Its stamina regenerating effects will stack with the mysterious hazmat suit. The inventory name and icon will not change, though. This feature can be counteracted by other stamina reducing objects or SCPs. Refining the Gas Mask on "Fine" or "Very Fine" throughout SCP-914 yields a version of the Gas Mask which slows down stamina usage greatly, granting an almost indefinite sprint to the player. The gas will normally cause the player to die after 1-2 minutes. The Gas Mask is used to negate the effect of the gas used in the locker rooms or the gas catwalks.